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Milk and oil spill following tanker collision


We attended a crash that had occurred involving a large articulated milk tanker. The accident resulted in the release of approximately 13,000 litres of milk from the tanker and an unknown quantity of diesel into an adjacent watercourse.

The milk affected several kilometres of downstream watercourses, including important and protected salmonid rivers and a large, ponded area within the garden of a domestic property. As a result, an undisclosed number of trout and salmon unfortunately died.


Once on site, our operatives installed strategic absorbent booms into the watercourses to contain diesel and oil (that had leaked from the tanker engine) and completed routine observational and monitoring visits of the affected watercourses.

A rapid water aeration unit was installed into the pond to increase oxygen levels. Further site investigations were completed at the crash site and within the domestic property to determine the risks to underlying soils and groundwater from hydrocarbons and milk residues.

We also appointed a specialist tree surgeon to provide advice on the integrity of a large tree which had been struck by the tanker during the accident.


During this project, our contractors removed and disposed of 33 tonnes of hydrocarbon-contaminated soils from the crash site and domestic property.

Furthermore, the installation and replenishment of oil-absorbent containment booms and the monitoring of dissolved oxygen levels in the streams and pond ensured further risks were reduced. The crash site was reinstated, and the pond was restocked with fish.

Our management of the incident and effective deployment of our specialist approved contractors in a timely manner resulted in a successful project.



Milk and oil spill following tanker collision


County Down


Northern Ireland


Commercial / Domestic

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